Mirzya Title Track Lyrics Translation | SEL / Gulzar

Movie: Mirzya
Music: Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy
Lyrics: Gulzar
Singer: Daler Mehndi, Sain Zahoor, Akhtar Chinnal, Nooran Sisters
Music Label: T-Series

After listening to the song numerous times and taking help from some very wonderful friends, we translated the Title Track of Mirzya. But then you know Gulzar saab's songs have layers and meanings that you sometimes figure out months after you heard the song for the first time. So we'd be much willing to accept any suggestions/improvements. Also, the song has its share of Punjabi as well, which I'm not too familiar with, so a special thanks to Mohit Kataria for helping with some lines of 'Sir.'

Doonghe dard judaiyan de te
kaD lende ne jaan

these deep pains of separations
take one's life out of one.

la chingari ishq di
la chingari ishq di
agg lage aasmaan
O aithe mirzyaa, ho..

get a spark of love,
and let the sky burn..
O Mirza...

ho gehre dard judaaiyon ke
sholay jaisi jaan
(sholay jaisi jaan, oye hoye!)
koi la chingaari ishq di
phir agg lage aasmaan, O mirzya..

the pains of separations are deep,
and one's life is burnt like an ember.
get a spark of love,
and then the let the sky burn down, O Mirza.

mome ka sooraj pighle
aag ka paudha nigle
sun teri daastaan O mirzya..

the sun made of wax melts,
and swallows the sapling of fire,
listen to your story, O Mirza.

ye vaadiyan doodhiya kohre ki
inme sadiyan behti hain
marta nahi ishq O mirza
sadiyon saahibaan rehti hain
O mirzya, O mirzya…

these valleys of milky mist,
centuries flow through them,
love doesn't die, O Mirza,
for centuries, Saahibaans live.
O Mirza...

gol gol ghoome zameen
aave na jaave kahin
tere phere leve zameen O mirzya..

the earth rotates round and round,
yet it doesn't go anywhere.
It just revolves around you, O Mirza.

na maar kaazi shamkaa
na de tatee nu taaN
ho padhna saDDa reh gaya
lai aaye ishq likha.

Don't beat me with a cane, teacher,
don't fuel a blazing fire further.
our study got interrupted,
once they came and wrote love in our fate.

ara ra ra ra..
ek sadi se, aaya tha wo
ik sadi ko, jaana tha
ek janoo tha, O dhool uData
zameen zameen falak falak
kahan kahan DhoonDhe tujhe.. mirzya..

he had come from one century,
and had to go to another century.
he had one passion, and running at his speed,
from earth to earth and sky to sky,
everywhere he looks for you, O Mirza.

gol gol ghoome zameen
aave na jaave kahin
tere phere leve zameen O mirzya..


Mirzya Title Track Lyrics Translation | SEL / Gulzar Mirzya Title Track Lyrics Translation | SEL / Gulzar Reviewed by jose basques on 9/10/2016 Rating: 5

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